Physical, Mental and Spiritual Balance for Individuals, Groups or Communities.

What Inspires The Mind Angels Mindset?

14 August 2021

There is no darkness,

only no light!

Hi and thanks for taking the time to read this!

This will be the first of our monthly posts which, I hope, will offer a new and brighter perspective.
Mind Angels Charity’s purpose, as defined with the Charity Commission, is to encourage a better balance between the mind, body and spirit for individuals, groups and communities.


Creativity is an important ingredient. Visualisations allow us to reveal opportunities, require an open mind and a sprinkling of inspiration.  Our time and energy are influenced by our environment; this can make it difficult to stay motivated, but with visualisations, we are pulled towards the moments we feel instead of trying to push ourselves along.

To have a healthy foundation, some fundamental understanding can establish a healthy foundation, and like a tree’s roots, firmly anchor our confidence and self-esteem, allowing us to grow and hopefully inspire others.

"We are all equal"

We are all human beings with a balance between Mind, Body and Spirit. The balance of this foundation is under constant threat, so to reach a healthy equilibrium we must be proactive in looking after ourselves.

"Time is a gift"

It is limited and priceless. If you don’t value your time, give it to someone else. The joy is in the giving.

"Look for the light"

There is negative and positive everywhere. Some say light and darkness. As the heading of this post states, “There is no darkness, only no light”. Others say God and the devil. How hot something feels is relative to the cold. Stay positive and always look for, and be comforted by, the light in others and in ourselves. I’ve heard it said, “look for God everywhere”. This has truly got to be the best advertising slogan for a good life!

"Look after yourself"

Be responsible for others by being responsible with yourself. Life brings challenges, but by changing ourselves we can adapt to the environment.  We can’t change the past, but we can change the future. Be the person you want to be, that’s who you are.  You just need to believe in yourself.
There are many more truths but they can be for another post.
As young people we are constantly learning about the world, finding our way, trying to make sense of our environment. This external focus often dictates our behaviour but with a degree of awareness, usually with time, we can look at ourselves as individuals and be the focus as our primary environment. Creating that space around us (everybody needs space) creates a distance from us and "buffers" the influence of the outside world.  This can then allow us to breathe easier, reflect internally to understand ourselves more, and reset a perspective of the world and have a positive impact. The influence of the outside world takes us away from our source, who we are ie. a person who can just be. Taking away the stress ie. focusing on our “balance” and being happy with what we know (so far) about ourselves, is a starting point from which we can springboard into life.
This awareness keeps us open to our environment (the flow of life) and protects us from negative influences. Most importantly, we can see where the light exists, the beauty in the world which we have been distracted from can be revealed. I’ve heard it said, “the devil is the distraction from the path you are guided through”.

So where can we start? The simplest way is with the body as it is well documented. Nutrition, rest, water and movement. “Healthy body healthy mind”. The mind can be a little tricky to understand but much better than five years ago when stigma was prevalent. If the body is healthy then the organs can function better, this includes the brain. But we are the mind. The bulb is the brain and light from bulb is the mind. The body is the vessel to carry the mind.


Our feelings and emotions are the connection between the mind and the body. So, what about the spirit? The spirit I define as, an unquantifiable essence that inhabits the body and is fed by the human experience. This is about feeling good and bad. Love can feel like a blessing and a curse but how we translate it feeds the spirit. Our awareness of the spirit is in our mind and our beliefs can supercharge us beyond our physical limitations. We have physical strength and mental strength, but the ultimate is spiritual strength. This is the reason why mental health is so important, it can lead to good spiritual health.


We are Mind Angels, spiritual people whose aim is to nurture and share our light and to enable others to nurture and share theirs.  We visualise and experiencing the light of others and this motivates us. 


Mind Angels

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