Physical, Mental and Spiritual Balance for Individuals, Groups or Communities.

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    "Roxy Says" Project Summary Infographic

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    Marlborough School Feedback

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    "Roxy says" Project Conclusion


Project Results at Marlborough Primary School

A detailed report of the full project lifecycle delivered in 2021

The "Roxy Says" project is delivered over a four-five week period.  This project, ready in March 2020, was delivered over the pandemic with unpredictable delays and complications.  Nevertheless, working in partnership with Marlborough School throughout, we successfully achieved the project goals.


Introduction - Project Aims and Objectives

"The combination of effort from psychotherapists,

psychologists, other mental health professionals, parents, laypeople and children produced the resource which,

after many versions, was finally fit for purpose."

We raise awareness of mental health, we reduce stigma and we increase resilience in children.  We achieve these goals by facilitating discussion about mental health, providing emotional vocabulary, encouraging emotional intelligence, creating a valuable space where children are safe to talk, enabling the "human connection" and most importantly, we can measure our outcomes and evidence the interaction between the adult and child.

Our project is designed for parents/carer/professionals to engage.  We are not ticking boxes and only ask schools to reach out to parents for them to opt-into the project.

Please view our report to find out how we do this and get in touch if you would like us to deliver this project for/with you.

We will be delivering an online event over the Summer 2021 for parents wo whish to be involved. 

Contact for details or submit your details in the form below.

Click here to Download The Full Project Report (PDF)

“When we are angry the people will be scared so when we are angry we have to change ourselves.”

Z. H. , Marlborough Student

“I would say this is a really practical book... very simple to understand. "

Marlborough Primary School Parent

"I have done many childminding and wellbeing courses but this is the one I was looking for.”

Marlborough Primary School Parent

“This was a nice exercise to do with my son.  He is not an anxious child on the outside but is very soft on the inside so it was good for him to read and relate.”

Marlborough School Parent

"Roxy Says" Project Timeline Infographic

Individual Report Infographic Pages

Introduction - Project Aims and Objectives

"The combination of effort from psychotherapists, psychologists, other mental health professionals, parents, laypeople and children produced the resource which, after many versions, was finally fit for purpose."

This resource, central to the project, guides the adult and child through the process to ultimately build resilience in children.

Andrew Samuels, Trustee

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Summary of Results Infographic

“The ultimate outcome of the effort invested in this project by parents, children, Marlborough School staff and Mind Angels staff, is the creation of a safe “space”. This space is then available for the child to openly disclose their emotions and feelings.

"We call this space a “psychological anchor” because it is a mental space which we have established early in the child’s mental and emotional development. It is “anchored” in the child's memory and can be available, for the child and adult, to engage in the future discussions.”

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Marlborough School Feedback

“Roxy’s School Programme has been a fantastic resource for pupils at Marlborough Primary School in order to increase awareness about mental health and reduce any stigma associated with it. The situation in which we found ourselves due to COVID this year has meant that the need for such comprehensive content has become even more important.”

"The programme has been used alongside our PSHE curriculum, which has meant that pupils can link together the learning from lessons and the workbook. This reinforcement has ensured that key topics have had sufficient coverage to allow for deep discussion and comprehension."

Mrs Mamdani, Marlborough School

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Mind Angels Feedback

“I believe, the combination of a SENDCo who is passionate about their work with Mind Angels providing support and leading the project produced this successful outcome.”

"Mind Angels are motivated with a very specific purpose which we are dedicated to. To meet other individuals who share the same dedication and focus in their roles for the benefit of others is a meeting of minds. When this happens great things are possible."

"I can state the difference has been made by Mrs Mamdani, Marlborough Primary School Acting SENDCo. Her exceptional patience throughout the school’s difficulties during the pandemic and her continual focus on the benefit of the children has been


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Project Timeline

“Originally scoped as a 3week project, delivering over the unpredictability of the pandemic lockdowns added time and uncertainty.

Persistence, flexibility and a steady focus on the goals allowed us to eventually complete the project with outcomes."

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Project Conclusion

"We have a successful formula and are excited to reach into all areas of society to help relieve the negative impacts of poor mental health. We know the most significant impact can be made through educating children.

The most effective way is to engage adults to work with their children, one-to-one. We understand how to turn mental health around for most children, to create more positive empowering individuals. We support children, families and *professionals.”

Andrew Samuels, Trustee - Mind Angels

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