Please have a look at the flyer to see the content and format of this regularly weekly event which was held at Harrow Leisure Centre. We would love to see this success replicated everywhere.
We are supporting this Leisure Centre project and delivering elsewhere.
This is a project we are managing with Harrow Leisure Centre called "Active Communities". This project is generally for the over 60's. The primary goal for this is to reduce isolation, provide activity for greater mobility and information to enable a better connection with the community.
This is a full mobility class for the over 60's. We run this class 10:30am Monday mornings since Nov 2017. Since then the class has grown from 6-8 people to over 60 (Pre-Pandemic) by March 2020. We have restarted the group and are happy to welcome new participants. Please get in touch if you would like to know more (email:
Recorded video classes are below with audio instructions and text or only on-screen text.
If you want something lighter please try the Qigong classes below.
The class above has audio and text instructions. The class below is without audio instructions, only text.
This is our attendees performing some mobility exercises. The mobility section is about 45mins with breaks for water. The exercises are the start of better mobility and if performed on a regular basis will offer greater benefits. We are also lucky to have a volunteer (Vimmi) who is an Instructability trained instructor who was trained at Aspire in Stanmore, Harrow.