The resources here are for Roxy's schools programme. They are available as PDF's and are free to use.
Roxy's book (ISBN# 978-1-64633-662-3) is also available as a full PDF download but is not free. A sample of the book which can be used by parents, school staff or schools if they wish to run the programme themselves. Used in conjunction with the guide and following Chapter 7: "How the chapters are structured and can be applied", the adult can lead the child through a structured method of facilitating discussion around the topics raised in the chapters. This will go sopme way towards two of the three outcomes for the programme. ie. Raising awareness and reducing stigma. Providing Resilience requires skills to lead the child to strategies the child can employ.
The full programme engages the child through activities and is implemented by a professional with listening, counselling, mentoriing, coaching skills and experience. This is what we do and the presentation for this part of the programme is not included.
Please contact for confirmation of pricing and/or quantity. Payments are donation to the charity to continue and further our work around elderly wellbeing and children's mental health.
Full Colour A5 Stapled Workbook (for adults and children to create the environment allowing them to share the learning experience). Use at home or in conjunction with Roxy's School Mental Health Programme.
Please confirm your delivery address when making payment and allow 2 weeks for delivery.