Physical, Mental and Spiritual Balance for Individuals, Groups or Communities.


"Roxy Says" Project @ Woodfield School, Brent

In March 2024 Mind Angels were approached by the Woodfield School KS5 Teacher searching for ongoing support for 6th formers leaving the school.

"Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime".  We adapted and delivered our children's mental health workshops with the aim for students to be more resilient individuals.

At our initial meeting we established the charity's offering and teachers intentions were in alignment.  We then scheduled and delivered the five weekly 2hr workshops using our resource (available on Amazon) as a guide, combined with student exercise sheets and teacher lesson plans (available to download free).

Consistent cooperation, guidance and support between the charity, form teacher, support staff and school, allowed us to successfully achieve the charity and teachers goals.  We hope the positive feedback below from the teacher and students about the customised wellbeing workshops will encourage others to deliver the workshops themselves.

Resources are available for download free and we are happy to reach out to local businesses to sponsor the workbooks where we can. 

Please contact us if you would like more information.


"Your sessions were useful in helping students understand their minds and manage their emotions"

- KS5 Form Teacher


Please read the form teacher's feedback below. 

Scroll down further for the student's personal feedback.

Dear Mind Angels,

I am writing to provide feedback on the Roxy School Program that you recently delivered at our school - Woodfield. We greatly appreciate the time and effort you both invested in providing these valuable sessions.

The structure of the program, which involved reading short chapters from the Roxy book followed by discussions and independent exercises, was very effective. Each session started with a review of the previous session, which was particularly important for SEND students. This approach allowed pupils to revise and reflect on the previous session and discuss how they applied the material throughout the week. The combination of literature and practical exercises was particularly impactful and allowed pupils to have some group discussions. The content was engaging, allowing students to connect with the material and reflect on their own experiences.

Your sessions were useful in helping students understand their minds and manage their emotions. The tools and strategies introduced were practical and accessible, making it easier for students to apply them in their daily lives. Pupils explored important topics like stress and the immune system, gaining valuable insights into how these factors affect mental well-being.

The mindfulness adjective worksheets, which included completing crosswords, was a good addition to the program. It provided students with a practical tool to articulate their feelings and thoughts more clearly. Exploring different adjectives in relation to emotions really helped expand our pupils' vocabulary and empowered them to use these different adjectives to describe how they felt.

The practical movement breathing stretching exercises were also very effective, particularly for my SEND students. The Qigong movements, such as heaven and earth, shooting the golden eagle, and willow dips its leaves, were fantastic in helping pupils carry out these particular movements and understand that exercise produces endorphins which help us feel better, and adrenaline triggers the body's fight or flight response.

One of the standout aspects of the program was its focus on encouraging students to reflect on their confidence levels and identify sources of support. This reflection is vital for students as it helps them build self-awareness and recognize the importance of seeking help when needed. Pupils were always given the opportunity to share how they were feeling at any moment. Janet and Andrew were able to provide short check-ins and open discussion about the experiences and how they felt going forward. This ongoing support during the sessions was highly appreciated by both students and staff.

Janet and Andrew from Mind Angels were knowledgeable and supportive throughout the sessions. Their ability to engage with the students and encourage participation was fantastic. They created an inclusive atmosphere that allowed every student to feel heard and valued. Additionally, during breaks, Andrew and Janet went around and addressed pupils' concerns on a one-to-one basis or in a small group, addressing any concerns they had. This personalised attention further enhanced the students' experience and provided them with additional support.

Overall, the Roxy School Program made a significant positive impact on our students. They are now more aware of mental health issues and have gained valuable tools to manage their emotional well-being. The program has helped to increase their confidence and has encouraged them to think about who they can turn to for support when feeling uncertain.

Thank you once again for bringing the Roxy School Program to our school. We look forward to any future collaborations.

Best wishes CPA

(Woodfield School, Brent)

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" The tools and strategies introduced were practical and accessible, making it easier for students to apply them in their daily lives. "

Student feedback has been amazing to receive!

Roxy's Workshops

"It makes me think about how to deal with problems."

"I think other children can also learn from these workshops to challenge attitude."

Available on Amazon here!


All lesson plans and exercise sheets are available for download FREE! 

You will only need the guided resource for each child, which compliments the workshops.

We encourage local businesses to sponsor the workbooks so please get in touch if you have limited funding. 

Contact Us

Lesson Plans & Media

We are happy to provide our lesson plans for you to deliver each workshops.  We are available for advice on how to deliver the concepts and follow the workbook.  Lesson plans (listed below) are free to download.

Student Exercise Sheets

Students cement their learning using the exercise sheets.  These are available for download in case you wish to follow the activities and have limited number of workbooks.  Each child should have their own workbook. Exercises are already included in the "Roxy says" workbook. 

A summary of each lesson plan is below.

We can send the lesson plans and exercise sheets by email if you are considering delivering the workshops.  Details below.

If you have any questions or need support, please get in touch.  We deliver some psycho education, tools, and coping strategies in a way that is easily understood with practical activities.  To engage the students ad establish a learning state we would also perform some light qigong exercises.  This combines, stretching with movement and breathing.  We find this method is a quick way to get the students engaged.   


Each Workshop will consist of the summary information and incorporate:

  • Welcome Back & Check-in.
  • Recap of previous weeks learning
  • Review/giving homework.
  • Feedback & Check-out: Discussion about the experience and how they feel going forwards.

Lesson Plan #1

  • Welcome, Introduction, Ice Breaker & Check-in.
  • [TOOL] Qigong/Yoga
  • A survey is completed to measure a baseline.
  • Introduce Roxy’s story/workbook.
  • What is the Mind? & Activity: Our Minds.
  • Chapter 1 of Roxy Says followed by chapter questions.
  • [TOOL] Mindfulness with practical exercise.

Lesson Plan #2

  • Chapter 2 of Roxy Says Workbook, chapter questions.
  • Emotions and Feelings crossword
  • Understanding Stress: Mind & Body Connection (Mind, Immune System & Belief)
  • [TOOL] Physical Exercise, Sleep, Nutrition, Water, Movement
  • Chapter 3 of Roxy Says, chapter questions.
  • [TOOL] PMA & RAS: “Managing our thoughts”

Lesson Plan #3

  • [TOOL] Anxiety tool, Visualisation & Talking.
  • Chapter 4 of Roxy Says, chapter questions.
  • More Emotions and Feelings crosswords
  • [TOOL] Affirmations
  • Chapter 5 of Roxy Says, chapter questions.
  • [TOOL] Meditation & guided meditation - “A Safe Place”
  • [TOOL] Belief

Lesson Plan #4

  • Chapter 5 of Roxy Says, chapter questions.
  • More Emotions and Feelings crosswords
  • Discussion: Beliefs - empowering or limiting?
  • Activity: Bring Everything Together - “The Future You”

Lesson Plan #5

  • Chapter 6 of Roxy Says, chapter questions.
  • More Emotions and Feelings crosswords
  • Define: “Spirit”
  • Empowering understanding of Genes
  • Gather Anonymous Written or Audio Feedback to be transcribed and/or uploaded.

Lesson Plan #6

  • Visualisation
  • Complete Original Survey in a different colour.
  • Presentation of completion certificates to students.


Contact us if you have any questions.

We have developed this project over years with an understanding of mental health built from lived experience.  We are very happy with the results so far as we have constantly tuned the resource and our approach to delivery.  We hope you will also be able to share your feedback with us once you have experienced this journey of building greater resilience for all children.

All profits from the workbook go to Mind Angels Charity, delivering more children and elderly projects.


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