Physical, Mental and Spiritual Balance for Individuals, Groups or Communities.


What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is "being in the moment, aware and connecting your feelings and your environment".  This sounds complicated but don't worry.  This audio will explain mindfulness, it's benefits and how you can enjoy using it as a mental health tool.

How can Mindfulness help us?

We build better Self-Awareness and are more able to Manage Stress and our Emotions.

  • Self-awareness: This helps us learn to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings.

  • Stress management: This helps us slow down and focus in a calm way.

  • Emotional regulation: This helps us learn to think about our emotions and our environment.  To respond instead of reacting when we feel uncomfortable.

  • All of these contribute to our well-being, helping us to achieve more, deal with difficult situations better, and have more confidence to get involved.  We can become more aware of others feelings and contribute towards better relationships. 

More about Mindfulness

Mindfulness is being present in the moment. It is a great tool to practice to prevent us ruminating (thinking over and over again) about negative thoughts which affect our wellbeing which could then can make us unwell.

If we constantly worry about the future and it can cause anxiety. If we cannot stop thinking about something that has happened in the past, this can cause depression. Not being able to let go of these thoughts can prevent us from living and enjoying our day-to-day lives, the present. Mindfulness is the tools to prevent this by bringing us into the present moment and is easy to practice and a very enjoyable part of being human.

We have five senses, taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight. The combination of these senses are the way we understand the world. around us. Similar to a robot having sensors, we have our senses and we use them to receive information (data for a robot) which is sent to our brain (CPU) to understand or if you are a robot, process. However we understand the information, the data is stored in our brain (hard drive for a robot) where we can recall the information when required. Without our senses we would not have any idea about the world and would not exist.

The best way to practice mindfulness is to use the senses, complete the activity in Roxy's book. Use the describing words (adjectives) in the book.

Use every opportunity to practice and enjoy being mindful.  Mindfulness is a valuable skill that allows us to focus more on our human experience.

Mindfulness - Practical Exercises

Exercise #1: Group Exercises

Try the Mindful Exercises below

and write your answers in the workbook.

Mindful Listening - what can you hear?

For this exercise you can go outside, stand in a safe place, close your eyes and listen.

Make a note of all the different sounds you can hear.   Can you hear the wind blowing the leaves in the trees?  Can you hear the birds?  Can you hear cars or places?  Write down what you hear with your eyes closed.

You could also do this inside when it is very quiet.  Can you hear the sound of silence? 

Below are a couple of videos where you can be mindful with your ears and eyes.  More below.

Mindful Smelling - Guess the scent.

  1. For the mindful smelling exercise you will need a container like the yoghurt pot in the picture.  Anything with a lid which you can close, we don't want to see what's inside. 
  2. Make about five small holes in the lid large enough to smell what's inside.
  3. You will need to place an item inside and close the lid.  Maybe have a few different items to try this with.  I used a lemon (you will need to score it first), strawberries (crushed) and a piece of paper with perfume sprayed on it. 
  4. Don't show the person smelling what's inside, just give them the container with the lid closed and ask them to close their eyes and take a big sniff to smell and describe what is inside. 
  5. Use the smelling adjectives in the book for help with describing words. 
  6. Keep changing the item and try different items. 

Mindful Touching - What does it feel like?

You can do this exercise anywhere.  If you are indoors, gather a few items from around the house with different textures.  A cup, a cushion, a teabag, even a piece of fruit.  Close your eyes again and feel the item.  Is it hard, squidgy, hot, cold, sticky or smooth?  Use the touching adjectives for more descriptive words and write them into the workbook.

Mindful Tasting - Yum or Yuck?

This is one of my favourite mindful experiences.  We can do this every time we eat.

What does the food taste like?  What is the texture like?  What is the temperature, hot or cold?  Use the taste adjectives.

Mindful "Sight & Sound"

This is my another of my favourite mindful experiences.  These combine sight and sound.  Enjoy! 

Homework Exercise #2:

"10 seconds in the Sun"

Play the audio below to follow the exercise.

Well Done for learning about this skill!

You can now return back to the workbook

to complete the next exercise or activity.

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