Physical, Mental and Spiritual Balance for Individuals, Groups or Communities.


What is Qigong?

Qigong is a practice developed in China thousands of years ago that involves a combination of breathing, movement, and meditation to improve health and well-being. It involves breathing, movement, and meditation to improve and maintain health and well-being.

It optimizes energy within the body, mind, and spirit and improves blood circulation, enhanced immune function, and mental health support.

How do we do these exercises?

Scroll down to the exercise in the workbook.  There are three things to be aware of when doing these exercises.

1. Stretching: We perform some stretching exercises first to remove any "blockages".  These blockages can be stiff joints, tense muscles or just things we can't stop thinking about.  The stretching is done at the beginning, we can do many different Qi Gong movements after.

2. The Qi Gong Movements: Follow the movements trying to stay upright where possible and have flexibility in the knees.  Try to do each movement 3 times.


3. The Breathing:  The breath comes first and the movements follows your breath.  In the movements there is a part to breath in followed by a part to breath out.  We want to have deep slow breaths without holding or breathing out too fast. 

  • Tip: Slow the movements down and relax when breathing out. 

The breath out is the relief from stress, pain and breathing out toxins.

"Stretching Video"

Follow with one or more Qigong Exercises Below

Repeat the stretching exercises twice

then start the Qi Gong Movements.

Relax the waist when swinging the arms and follow the breathing while doing the stretches.

QiGong (Chi Gong) Exercises

"Heaven and Earth"

(Repeat three times)

"Shooting the Golden Eagle"

(Repeat three times)

"White Crane Washes it's Wings"

(Repeat three times)

"Gathering the Chi"

(Repeat three times)

"Willow Dips it's Leaves in the Water"

(Repeat three times)

Well Done for learning about this skill!

You can now return back to the workbook

to complete the next exercise or activity.

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